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It was hard to see his face because of the cowl he was wearing.

It was halted early because of overwhelming evidence that the technology was ineffective. 大量的证据表明,这一设备根本无效,所以研究开始不久就停止了。
It was hanging on a rack at a secondhand clothing store in Northampton Mass, crammed in with shoddy trench coats and an assortment of sad, woolen overcoats -- a rose among thorns. 它就挂在衣架上,夹在劣质的军用风雨衣和各式各样寒酸的羊毛大衣当中,然而它却像荆棘丛中的一朵玫瑰。
It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead. 对我来说改变是困难的,所以我只能顺水推舟了。
It was hard to believe that such a boring and average paper was better than my different and intelligently worded paper. 难道这种无聊的、千篇一律的东西真会比我那种自由的、充满智慧的文章更好吗?
It was hard to believe the fuss of the wedding garden party took place here only an hour earlier. 真难想象,仅仅一小时以前,这里还是一片婚礼花园派对的热闹非凡。
It was hard to see his face because of the cowl he was wearing. 他穿著蒙头斗篷,所以很难看清他的脸面。
It was hard to understand all the minute gradations of their bureaucracy. 很难弄清楚他们那套官僚体制全部细微的层次分别。
It was hard work getting the children off to bed. 哄孩子们去睡可不是容易的事。
It was he that designed the garden. 这个花园是他设计的。
It was headed to a flight training school when the driver got lost and abandoned the fuselage, the plane's remains becoming something of a local attraction. 它在前往一所航空训练学校的途中,飞行员迷路并遗弃了机身,飞机的遗骸成为了当地的一道风景线。
It was held at the nearby Wei Kuok Hall and this year there were 57 of them graduating. 本届共有57位短宣生结业,并领受会督、会长、神学院讲师们的差遣祷告。

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