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They restrict themselves and never reach their potential.

They respect and want our technological and financial assistance. 他们尊重和需要我们技术上和财政上的援助。
They respect my work and recognise my qualities on a personal level. 他们尊重我的工作,并且都认可我的能力。”
They responded and said to Nebuchadnezzar the king, O king, live forever! 9他们对尼布甲尼撒王说,愿王万岁!
They rest on some vision of a better world and are grounded in personal values. 它们是建立在对一个美好世界的愿景上,是以个人的价值观为基础的。
They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall. 其次是作香的哈拿尼雅修造;这些人修坚耶路撒冷,直到14宽墙。
They restrict themselves and never reach their potential. 他们自己限制了自己,从来不去发掘自己的潜力。
They resurrected Greco-Roman wrestling, a style they believed to be an exact carryover from the Greek and Roman wrestlers of old. 所以他们原封不动地模仿古希腊和古罗马摔跤手的遗风,重现了“古典式摔跤”。
They retained small-town values and lifestyles. 他们保持着小城镇的价值观念与生活方式。
They retired her on full pay. 他们使她全薪退休。
They retired several years ago. 他们在几年前就退休了。
They retired to another room for private consultation. 他们退到另一房间秘密磋商。

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