Bush says he and Nicolas Sarkozy are going to have a heart-to-heart talk about a number of pressing issues spanning the globe.
布什表示他将和尼古拉?萨科齐就全球的迫切事件进行一次热切的交谈。 |
Bush says the legislative process often takes two steps forward and one step back.
他说他将于周二开始致力于推动事情继续进展,并告诉访问随行记者;“我们法案签署时再见!” |
Bush sent an emissary to ask Chen to do him a personal favour and reconsider, but the Taiwan leader would not listen.
2003年,台湾领导人的他决定举行一次极其●敏感的政治公投。 |
Bush set the stage for his talks with President Putin earlier in the day, when he addressed the people of Slovakia, and praised the democratic change that has transformed the former Soviet bloc.
他向斯洛伐克人民发表演讲,赞扬了民主为这个前苏联集团成员国带来的变化。 |
Bush spoke to the nation's largest veterans' group, The American Legion.
布什总统已经对美国最大的退伍军人团体美国军团发表了讲话。 |
Bush surveyed the site today from the air and on the ground.
布什今天通过飞机和陆路实地勘测了事发地点。 |
Bush to press China to give more autonomy to Tibet.
但是估计达赖喇嘛请求布什总统向中国施加压力给西藏更多的自治。 |
Bush told Texas newspaper reporters in a group interview at the White House on Monday that he believes that intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution as competing theories.
在周一白宫举行的集体采访中,总统布什告诉德克萨斯州日报的记者:他相信应该将智能设计理论作为与进化论的竞争性理论并列为教学课程. |
Bush used a summit of Pacific Rim countries to talk to North Korea's neighbors about the threat.
布什还利用由太平洋周边国家参与的峰会,来与朝鲜的邻国进行对话,讨论有关朝核对安全的威胁问题. |
Bush vowed that the government would investigate what caused the outage and promised to prevent a recurrence.
布什表示政府会调查停电原因,防止停电事件再次发生。 |
Bush wants to send more troops to the region, adding he agrees with the officials on Capitol Hill and the Pentagon that the military is stretched too thin.
布什打算派遣更多的部队前往该地区,此外,就军事力量在伊拉克仍然不够深入这一问题,他与国会大厦及五角大楼官员达成一致。 |