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Marian wanted no grand flowers, only the soft and touchable .

Maria: You want to be alone in this insane asylum? 玛利亚:你希望一个人代在这神经错乱的地方?
Marian Evans wrote under the name of George Eliot. 玛丽安·伊文思写文章使用笔名乔治·艾略特。
Marian Wright Edelman's own home was filled with love and lots of children, including four siblings and -- off and on -- 12 foster sisters and brothers. 埃德尔曼自己的家里洋溢着真爱。她家有很多孩子,包括4名同胞弟妹,还断断续续收养了12名弟妹。
Marian Wyman: Are you cheating Ralph? 玛丽亚·威曼:你骗了拉尔夫?
Marian is wearing a dress designed Paris. 玛丽安穿着巴黎设计的时装。
Marian wanted no grand flowers, only the soft and touchable . 玛丽安不想买华丽的花,只想要色泽柔和可以触摸的花。
Marian was obviously annoyed by Peter's remarks but I smoothed her ruffled feathers and she began to talk to him again. 显而易见,玛丽安是被彼特的话所激怒的,不过我使她冷静了下来,于是她又开始同他讲话了。
Marianne Davey of the British Snoring and Sleep Apnea Association also confirmed this and said that snoring can put a huge strain on relationships. 英国打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停协会的玛丽安·戴维也持相同观点,她说打鼾会危及夫妻关系。
Marianne loses her heart to scoundrel who jilts her. 玛莉安娜,倾心于一个狠心抛弃她的恶棍。
Marianne, emotional and sentimental, is the embodiment of sensibility. 脆弱易感又情感丰沛的玛莉安娜,是感性的化身。
Marianne, who had never much toleration for anything like impertinence, vulgarity, inferiority of parts, or even difference of taste from herself. 玛丽安对于无礼、粗俗、才能低下,甚至与自己的爱好不相同这类事情都是不能容忍的。

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