With regard to the deep reason of the credit problems and the present condition of credit construction,we should improve credit system basis,perfect credit management system and strengthen credit management to solve the credit problems of middle and small
针对中小企业信用问题产生的深层原因和中小企业信用建设的现实情况,要从改善中小企业信用制度基础、完善中小企业信用管理体系和加强中小企业信用管理等方面治理中小企业信用问题。 |
With regard to the determination of dumping and dumping margin in the investigation of international antidumping, much attention is paid to them, and some suggestions are put forward in the lawsuits by use of accounting methods.
针对国际反倾销调查中关于倾销认定和幅度的确认这2个重要环节进行研究,提出运用会计方法进行反倾销应诉维权的建议。 |
With regard to the developments of the Talks, so far it's fair to say that, due to prior substantial preparations, all the parties have a clear understanding of the goal of the Talks and major issues and principled framework to be discussed during the Tal
对于到目前为止会谈的进展情况,应该说由于会前准备充分,各方对这次会谈要实现的目标和要讨论的主要问题、原则框架都有明确的认识。 |
With regard to the disputation of the relation between fairness and efficiency, it should not only limit to the discussion of the demarcation of concept and the so called the application scope, even this is important.
摘要关于公平与效率之关系的争论,不能仅限于概念的界定和所谓适用範围的讨论,尽管这是必要的。 |
With regard to the future, it establishes a common frame of reference for the projection of individual actions.
对于来者,他为了个人行动的投射建立了一套共同参考框架。 |
With regard to the handling of cases under investigation and treatment or the newly discovered previous illegal cases and illegal acts related to invoices after the day of the publication of the Methods, the Original Methods and the Original Regulations a
对于《办法》发布之日后正在查处或者新发现的以前的发票违法案件和违法行为的处理,原则上适用《原办法》、《原规定》。 |
With regard to the humanistic foundation of axiology, what we really need is not the argument that human being is the identifier of value and the ultimate basis of axiological decision, but the approach to the relationship both between human beings and be
摘要对哲学价值论研究的人学基础来说,真正需要研究论证的,不是“人是一切价值的认定者、是一切价值取向的最高根据”,而是如何处理价值判断与价值取向中的人内部的关系,以及如何处理价值判断与价值取向中的人与非人的关系。 |
With regard to the legal subject, the law may be divided into three major areas: private law, public law and social law.
摘要以主体为标准,法律可以划分为“私法-社会法-公法”三个领域。 |
With regard to the loss in weight, we are enclosing a surveyor's report in order to prove to you that the loss could only have occurred in transit.
至于短重一事,我们附上公证人的报告书以证明这种情况只可能在运输途中出现。 |
With regard to the point you have just raised, we will have it investigated.
关于你方刚刚提出的问题,我们将进行调查。 |
With regard to the protection system of inorganic zinc-rich primer+epoxy micaceous iron oxide intermediate+polysiloxane finish having been used for major bridges for the first time and the anti-rust and anti-slip inorganic zinc-rich coating used for the b
针对在大型桥梁上首次应用的“无机富锌底漆+环氧云铁中间漆+聚硅氧烷面漆”的防腐体系和栓接面采用的无机富锌防锈防滑涂料,从材料特性、施工方法及涂层检验等几方面做了较详细的论述。 |