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This arrangement is agreeable to both sides.

This armor provides neutrally-aligned characters with +2 AC and +2 Saving Throws. 无争:这件护甲提供给中立阵营的角色+2AC和+2所有豁免。
This aromatic sprit is distilled principally in Scandinavian countries from grain, caraway seeds and occasionally other botanicals. 在斯堪的纳维亚国家生产的一种从谷物和药本植物蒸馏而来的酒叫什么名字?
This aroused great resentment among the people. 他激起了人民的极度不满。
This arrangement also means you can't pedal backwards in order to get the pedals in the right place for getting on or moving off. 这种设计也意味着你不能以往后踏的方式,把踏板踩到(使车)往前进或出发的正好的挡位.
This arrangement has now been systematically mapped [see “Reading the Blueprints of Creation,” on page 54]. 这个广大的结构现正有系统地记录成图(见56页的〈摊开宇宙的蓝图〉)。
This arrangement is agreeable to both sides. 这样安排对双方都合适。
This arrangement is cumbersome to manage. 如此安排繁琐得难以管理。
This arrangement is only temporary. 这只是暂时的安排。
This arrangement is to be regarded, however, as elastic. 这种安排需要重视,但也是有弹性的。
This arrangement of membranes allows chloroplasts to be very efficient at absorbing the energy contained within light during photosynthesis. 这样的膜组成使叶绿体能在光合作用的时候高效地吸引包含在阳光中的能量。
This arrangement suggests that despite the Shenzhou's compatible docking gear, the Chinese have no near-term interest in visiting the ISS. 这个安排似乎表示,即便神舟号的接合系统与国际太空站相容,中国也不打算在近期内造访它。

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