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4 Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.

4 This is further to your memo dated March 12, 2006, in which you proposed that employees adopt the “punch in” system. 回复你2006年3月12日关于员工实行打孔考勤制度的备忘录。
4 This is the hole geometry of this well. 这是这口井的井身结构。
4 This river abounds with fish. 这条河里鱼很多.
4 This structure is decorated with carvings of many Hindu deities. 这个结构上面有很多兴都神像的雕塑装饰著.
4 Thoroughly inspect the results of each test. 应彻底地检查各个测试的结果。
4 Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. 4不应使用计算机进行盗窃活动。
4 Toe bases are structurally integrated to cabinet body. 踢脚板固定于柜体内。
4 Twos = contention; 3 Twos = security; 2 Twos = accord. 4张二=争论、主张;3张二=安全;2张二=一致、调合。
4 Under the going-concern (or continuity) concept, accountants assume that the business will continue operating for the foresee-able future. 在持续经营概念下,会计人员假定企业在可预计的未来持续经营。
4 Unless specified otherwise in the competition format, if a qualifying round of a competition requires that the competitors be allocated between two or more non-identical routes having the same technical grade, for those competitors who do not qualify fo 当一场比赛必须将选手分配到两条或更多具不同技术难度的先锋路线时,就未能晋级下场赛事的选手,最终排名应取决于混合路线排名之累计名次。
4 Unless you carry or store tools properly they can injure yourself or others. 要很好地携带或存放工具,否则会伤到自己或别人。

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