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We sincerely invite all jewelry dealers for corporation and sponsorship.

We sincerely hope to establish and develop our business relation over the globe in order to beautify the world. 我们热忱希望与国内外客商合作,拓展贸易关系,为世界进步作出贡献。
We sincerely hope to have a long term cooperation with all the customers in the world with our favourable credit standing. 我们真诚希望以我们良好的信誉与世界各地的客户建立长期的合作关系。
We sincerely hope we can corporate with you as you set about lighting the world. 诺仕达照明重质量、守信誉,真诚希望与国内外各界朋友加强合作,一起共创辉煌。
We sincerely hope your attention and cooperation. 我们热切希望您的关注与接洽合作。
We sincerely hoped that, The company for many years has accumulated the success managerial experience can prosperous developed contribute labor andmaterials for your firm enterprise, strength of by the completely meagre strength! 我们真诚希望:众兴公司多年来积累的成功管理经验能为贵公司事业的兴旺发达添砖加瓦,以尽绵薄之力!
We sincerely invite all jewelry dealers for corporation and sponsorship. 我们诚邀广大珠宝商刊登广告、合办栏目。
We sincerely invite customers home and abroad to contact us seeking for future cooperation. 我们真诚希望和国内外各界同仁竭诚合作,互利双赢,共创美好明天!
We sincerely invite every brothers, sisters and friends to join us for worship service and the various activities organized by CCCF, for the worship of the One True God together. 信心堂矢志在华人社区积极宣扬福音,盼望有更多同胞认识和信靠主耶稣基督这位奇妙救主,获得真正的平安喜乐与永恒的生命。诚意邀请各弟兄姊妹及朋友参加本堂主办之各项活动及祟拜聚会,一同敬拜真神。
We sincerely invite manufacturers, distributors and personnel from the party and governmental institutions, enterprises and research institutes at home and abroad to take part in or visit the exposition. 竭诚邀请国内外涉农生产商、经营商和党政机关、事业单位、部门、科研院所参展、参会。
We sincerely invite you to join us. Let's develop and grow up together! 我们诚挚的邀请你加入,共同发展,一起成长!
We sincerely look forward to your participation to jointly develop the green lighting project! 真诚地欢迎您的光临与指导,共同发展人类的绿色照明事业!

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