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The Parma supremo admits his side face a difficult task in securing Rossi's services, despite alleging to have made a sizeable bid.

The Paris-based organisation reported that US market share fell 2 per cent from 2002-3, while the UK suffered the fastest decline among OECD members, falling from 16.2 per cent in 1998 to 13.5 per cent in 2003. 总部位于巴黎的经合组织报告说,美国的市场份额2002至2003年下降了2%,而英国在经合组织成员国中降幅最大,已从1998年16.2%的份额降至2003年的13.5%。
The Park is located at traffic arteries and “Six Traffic Clearances and One Balance” has been achieved, ancillary facilities for production and living are complete and services are perfect. 园区地处交通站点要道,已完成“六通一平”,生产、生活配套设施功能齐全,服务完善。
The Parliament consists of 88 representatives four from each of Arab League's 22 members. 这一联盟包括88名代表,22个阿拉伯语国家每个国家4人。
The Parliament decided to impeach the President. 国会决定弹劾总统。
The Parliament was slowly, but constantly gaining ground on the prerogatives. 议会缓慢地,但却是不断地侵犯着这种特权。
The Parma supremo admits his side face a difficult task in securing Rossi's services, despite alleging to have made a sizeable bid. 这位帕尔马的高官承认要得到罗西是个十分艰难的任务,除非给出一笔不菲的转会费。
The Parmenides is one of Plato\'s works, which is on the relationship between oneand many. This dialogue is said to be the most obscure one. 柏拉图的《巴门尼德篇》主要集中讨论“一和多”的关系问题。被许多人称为柏拉图作品最难懂的一篇。
The Part D program covers some of the cost of approximately 4,400 drugs for Medicare's 43 million older beneficiaries. 部分覆盖医疗保险药物中4千3百万老年受益的大约4400种药物。
The Parthenon is a magnificent structure. 帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物.
The Parthian, breaking away from his alliance with us, laid hold of Armenia, and the eyes of its conqueror were no longer upon it. 帕提亚人弃绝了与我们的盟约,亚美尼亚——其征服者的巨眼已不再注视着此国——被帕提亚人占据了。
The Parti Québécois was the main loser, with the sovereigntist party recording less than 30 per cent of the popular vote for the first time since 1970. 魁人党这次是最大的输家,自1970年以来主张分裂的政党首次获得不到30%的选票。

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