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Seen here is the small remnant of spleen in a patient with sickle cell anemia.

Seen here is a fissure extending through mucosa at the left into the submucosa toward the muscular wall, which eventually will form a fistula. 左边可见裂缝从黏膜延伸到黏膜下层、肌层,最终形成瘘管。
Seen here is chronic endometritis with lymphocytes and plasma cells in the endometrial stroma. 图示:子宫内膜慢性炎症伴淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润。
Seen here is on colonoscopy are views of hemorrhoids at the anorectal junction. 肛门直肠交界处的痔疮的结肠镜检图。
Seen here is the anus and perianal region with prominent prolapsed true (internal) hemorrhoids. 可见肛门和肛周有明显的真性痔脱垂(内痔)。
Seen here is the major differential diagnosis of biliary atresia: this is neonatal giant cell hepatitis. 此图为胆道闭锁的主要不同诊断:这是一例新生儿巨细胞肝炎。
Seen here is the small remnant of spleen in a patient with sickle cell anemia. 如图可见镰状细胞贫血患者残存的小脾脏。
Seen here within the glomeruli are crescents composed of proliferating epithelial cells. 肾小球内由增生的壁层上皮细胞组成的新月体。
Seen in a bar chart when prices tend not to go above or below a certain range of levels. 在一个条形图表中,价格运动不能高过或低于一个确定的范围。
Seen in the mass, five or ten thousand at a time, books were boring and even slightly sickening. 大批看到,同时看到五千或一万册在一起后,书本就令人心烦乃至微感恶心。
Seen in this way, a group of white blood cells called T cells are the frontline soldiers of immune defense, engaging invading pathogens head on. 从这点看,一组称为T细胞的血细胞处在免疫防线的第一线,防止病原体入侵。
Seen this way, gossip is a way to communicate criticism without confrontation, giving you a chance to change your behavior without losing face. 这样看的话,八卦是一种在没有冲突的情况下沟通批评的方法,给你一个改变你的行为却又不失颜面的机会。

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