I've learned… That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.
我明白了…一个人应该温柔地遵守诺言,因为明天他可能就食言了。 |
I've learned… That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.
我明白了…但我孩提时在夏天夜晚陪着我父亲走过几个街区曾感动过我,当我成人时。 |
I've learned… That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?
我明白了…上帝并没有把一切都做完。否则,我能做什么呢? |
I've learned… That there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks.
我明白了…在和孩子们一起睡,感受他们的呼吸喷在你的脸上的时候,世界上没有较之更甜蜜的事情。 |
I've learned… That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be a reciated and loved.
我明白了…在某些人的坚硬外壳下,也有渴望欣赏和理解的一面。 |
I've learned… That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
我明白了…在某些人的坚硬外壳下,也有渴望欣赏和理解的一面。 |
I've learned… That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
我明白了…如果你蓄谋报复某人,只会让那个人继续伤害你。 |
I've learned… That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.
我明白了…当最近降生的曾孙用他的小拳头握住你的小拇指的时候,你发现你对生命如此的着迷。 |
I've learned… That when your newly born grandchild holds your little wow gold finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.
我明白了…当最近降生的曾孙用他的小拳头握住你的小拇指的时候,你发现你对生命如此的着迷。 |
I've learned… That wow powerleveling you should never say no to a gift from a child.
我明白了…永远不要拒绝一个孩子赠与的礼物。 |
I've learned… That you should never say no to a gift from a child.
我明白了…永远不要拒绝一个孩子赠与的礼物。 |