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The first helps you control your vertical velocity to limit the risks of ear barotrauma and DCI.

The first half of March saw a revival of supply fears, although the upward trend was somewhat undercut by the OPEC decision to keep output unchanged. 3月份上半月的供应担心有所反弹,尽管欧佩克维持产品不变的决策多少削弱了价格上涨趋势。
The first half of the course covers Kingship to Republican form; the conquest of Italy; Roman expansion: Pyrrhus, Punic Wars and provinces; classes, courts, and the Roman revolution; Augustus and the formation of empire. 在前半学期的课程中,将涵盖共和体制王权;征服意大利;罗马的扩张:皮拉斯,迦太基战争及行省;阶级,宫廷和罗马的革命;奥古斯都及罗马帝国的形成。
The first half of this album by Canadian prog rock group Rush is a rock opera, which presents a dystopian future in which planet Earth of 2112 is ruled over with an iron fist by the alien Star Federation. 加拿大前卫摇滚组合“冲击乐队”的这张专辑的前半部分是一个摇滚歌剧,呈现了一个可怕的未来:地球在2112年被外星人的“星球联盟”高压统治着。
The first half of this class will focus on teaching basic concepts and skills of drawing; and, the second half of class will focus on character design, scene design, and storyboard drawing. 在授课内容前期阶段以强化学生的基础概念和绘制技能为指向;后期阶段则著重于动态媒体影像中角色设计、场景设计及脚本分镜描绘设计为进程学习。
The first hard evidence has emerged that we are unable to catch up on lost sleep if it happens night after night - increasing the risk of obesity, heart disease and depression, while cutting mental dexterity. 最有利的证据已出现了,如果我们一夜一夜的熬夜,我们无法弥补却是的睡眠---这也会增加肥胖,心脏病和抑郁症的危险,然而也会损伤精神系统的灵敏度。
The first helps you control your vertical velocity to limit the risks of ear barotrauma and DCI. 上升/下降绳可以帮助你控制垂直方向的速度并以此来降低耳朵的气压性创伤和减压病症的危险。
The first human laparoscopic radical nephrectomy leading the era of complex laparoscopic surgery in urology was reported since 1992. 第一例人类腹腔镜肾脏切除术也在1992年发表,从此进入了复杂腹腔镜手术之纪元。
The first images transmitted from the Cassini spacecraft during its orbit of Saturn are shown during a news conference at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California on July 1, 2004. 7月1日,美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的喷气推进实验室发布了“卡西尼”号飞船拍摄的土星照片。
The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. 美国历史上首批移民来自英国和荷兰。
The first implant had just 16 electrodes on the retinal pad and, as a result, visual information was limited. 首个植入芯片在视网膜衬垫上只有16个电极,导致视觉信息受到限制。
The first indictments for the mass killings in Sudan's Darfur region are expected next month. 下月,法院将进行针对苏丹达尔富尔大屠杀的第一批起诉。

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