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And they took hold of him and led him to the Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new teaching is which is being spoken by you?

And they took counsel together to seize Jesus by craftiness and kill Him. 4一同商议,要用诡计拿住耶稣,把祂杀了。
And they took him and beat him and sent him away empty-handed. 3园户拿住他,打了他,叫他空手回去。
And they took him and brought him to the Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new teaching is which you are proclaiming? 徒17:20因为你有些奇怪的事、传到我们耳中.我们愿意知道这些事是甚麽意思。
And they took him and killed him and threw him out of the vineyard. 8于是拿住他,杀了他,把他扔在葡萄园外。
And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is? 19他们就把他带到亚略巴古说,你所讲的这新道,我们也可以知道吗。
And they took hold of him and led him to the Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new teaching is which is being spoken by you? 19他们就拉住保罗,把他带到亚略巴古,说,你所讲的这新教训是什么,我们可以知道么?
And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells digged, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness. 尼9:25他们得了坚固的城邑、肥美的地土、充满各样美物的房屋、凿成的水井、葡萄园、橄榄园、并许多果木树.他们就吃而得饱、身体肥胖、因你的大恩、心中快乐。
And they took the money and did as they were instructed. And this account has been widely spread among the Jews until this very day. 15兵丁拿了银子,就照他们所受的指示去行。这话就流传在犹太人中间,直到今日。
And they took their bones and buried them under the tamarisk at Jabesh, and they fasted seven days. 13将他们的骸骨葬在雅比的垂丝柳树下,并且禁食七日。
And they took them alive, and slew them at the pit of the shearing house, even two and forty men; neither left he any of them. 跟从的人就活捉了他们,将他们杀在剪羊毛之处的坑边,共四十二人,没有留下一个。
And they took two princes of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb; and they slew Oreb upon the rock Oreb, and Zeeb they slew at the winepress of Zeeb, and pursued Midian, and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side Jordan. 士7:25捉住了米甸人的两个首领、一名俄立、一名西伊伯.将俄立杀在俄立磐石上.将西伊伯杀在西伊伯酒醡那里、又追赶米甸人、将俄立和西伊伯的首级带过约但河、到基甸那里。

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