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Today, his image beams down from flat-screen televisions and book covers in the entrance to party headquarters in Paris.

Today, he is a marked man. 如今,他成了一名嫌疑犯(被盯住的人)。
Today, he manages twelve people and earns just under $100,000 a year as a computer-aided design (CAD) draftsman at a large engineering firm. 如今,他在一家大的制造企业担任计算机辅助设计(CAD),管理着十二个人,一年拿10万美金的薪水。
Today, he's almost synonymous with Chinese modern dance. 时值今日,林怀民三个字几乎成为中国现代舞的同义字。
Today, her two centres cater to more than 3,000 students. 今天,她的两座中心有超过3000名学生。
Today, high staff turnover has retarded the development of hotel industry. 摘要目前,饭店业员工较高的流动比例已成为制约饭店业发展的制肘。
Today, his image beams down from flat-screen televisions and book covers in the entrance to party headquarters in Paris. 如今,在巴黎党总部入口处,他的头像在宽屏电视和书刊封面上心得意满的微笑。
Today, however, Dad would say no more, and, caught ups in the busyness of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise. 不过今天爸爸却不愿多说什么,况且我们新生活的还有千头万绪要理,结果我也就忘了他的什么惊喜了。
Today, however, they provide a showcase of traditional sporting events that are participated in and enjoyed by people of all nationalities. 然而今天,他们提供了一个在传统的全民族都参与和喜爱的体育活动方面的优势。
Today, however, this has changed. 然而在今天以及改变了。
Today, humanity holds in its hands the opportunity to further freedom's triumph over all its age-old foes. 今天,人类手中把握着进一步实现自由战胜所有宿敌的机遇。
Today, hundreds of tourists go to play in this legendary sand. 今天,上百位游客会到这片传奇的沙滩上玩乐。

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