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Donkey: You know what else everybody likes?

Dongying thermal equipment plant in Dongguan exports Skimmia japonica Highway of ShenGuan and Wen Tong Industrial Area, is a professional undertaking boiler equipment installation and sales,water treatment equipment, solar, water heaters on the manufactur 东莞市东英热能设备厂位于莞深高速东莞出口温塘工业区,是一家专业承接锅炉设备的安装与销售、压力容器、锅炉配件销售、导热油阀门青田阀门广东省总代理,水处理设备,太阳能,热水炉设备的制造与销售的的高科技企业,公司致力于热力技术的提升与服务,不断提高工程质量,兼营各种阀门、水泵、油泵,以及各种锅炉周边设备,锅炉除垢剂,清罐剂生产,销售。
Dongyue Group, established on 1987,now has constructed the integral Fluorine-chemistry products line and expertise chemical industry park—Dongyue International Fluorine &Silicon Material Industry Park. 东岳集团创建于1987年,现已形成了完整的氟化工产业产品链和专业化工业园区——东岳国际氟硅材料工业园。
Donkey, Donkey I beg you, please don't sing heehaw. 小驴,小驴我求求你,请你不要高声啼。
Donkey: It looks like you most certainly am are. 驴子:这看起来就像几乎肯定是你。
Donkey: Say something crazy... like you're wearing ladies underwear. 驴子:说一些疯狂的事情...像你正穿着女人的内裤。
Donkey: You know what else everybody likes? 驴:你知道人们都还喜欢什么吗?
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs. 驴子不能睡在浴缸里。
Donn't be so rigor to him whom just a child. 不要对他太苛刻,他只不过是孩子.
Donna is sensible of his shortcoming. 唐纳知道他自己的缺点。
Donna is sensitive to strong smells. 唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。
Donna: Evening wear. This is Karen. She's wearing a short silk dress. It's elegant, isn't it? 多娜:晚装。这是卡伦。她穿的是一件丝绸短裙,很高雅,不是吗?

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