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To find a cushy job with a good pay is not easy.

To fight cold-related symptoms,garlic is an excellent food therapy specially if taken with other food rich in vitamin C,which helps to stimulate white blood cells6) to fight off infections7)。 对于与感冒有关的症状,大蒜是最好的食物治疗,尤其是与富含维生素C的食物合并食用更为有效,因为这样能刺激白血球消除感染。
To fight for peace through war, it is as feasible as using oil to put out fire. 以战争来争取和平,其可行性和以油去灭火一样高。
To fight on is foolish. Surrender the space fortress to us now. 继续战斗下去是傻瓜的行为,向我们投降吧。
To fight or surrender? 要降,还是要战?
To fight this particular form of corrosion in natural seawater, chemical treatments are mostly used. 为了防止天然海水中的腐蚀形态,必须要使用化学处理。
To find a cushy job with a good pay is not easy. 找一份薪水好的轻松活不容易。
To find a good starting point, simply look through the list of categories in the ZEBASE User's Guide. 找到一个好的设计起始点,可以通过简单的ZEBASE用户手册来实现。
To find a solution to the deviation between center position of strip and process line, a kind of method for strip centering control with inductive sensor is proposed. 摘要针对带钢跑偏问题,介绍了采用电感式检测装置进行检测的纠偏控制方法。
To find a store near you that carries Meguiar's Consumer line of products, use our dealer locator search engine. 找一家离你的住处近的店,你可以拿着美光的通用类产品,用经销商店铺的位置来做清洁。
To find a user group in your area, call your local college computer center, ask the staff at a local computer store or talk to your librarian. 要想找到你所在地的用户协会,可以给当地大学的计算机中心打电话,询问当地计算机商店的店员或找图书馆管理员打听。
To find bonded contaminants that your eyes may have missed, slowly slide the face of your clean, dry hand along the surface of your car's finish after washing and drying your car. 为了找到污点,你的眼睛可能也有看错的时候,慢慢的在清洁过的车身上仔细查看,用手在车漆表面上抚摸。

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