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We will not vanish without a fight!

We will not defeat him. “我们打不过他。”
We will not give in to blackmail, she told ARD public television. 她告诉ARD公众电台说:“我们不会向敲诈让步。”
We will not go quietly into the night! “我们不会默默地走向黑暗!”
We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive.Today, we celebrate our Independence Day! 同意猪斑竹说的——铁皮有些薄,除此之外,我还没有感觉到不好的。唯一感觉好的就是很容易上手,灵活性比较好。可能也是因为新车的缘故吧,现在才开了不到4000。
We will not tolerate any cultural pollution of this sort,Ladoo Ram Sharma, president of an organization of Hindu priests in Pushkar, said. 布什格尔当地一个印度教教士协会的主席拉杜·拉姆·夏尔马说:“我们决不能容忍这种文化亵渎事件发生。”
We will not vanish without a fight! “我们不会就这样坐以待毙!”
We will offer free tickets for subways, buses and 20 sites in the city for 11 days from Friday to anyone wearing a kimono. 从星期五开始,我们将为所有身穿和服的人提供免费的地铁和公车车票,以及市内20个景点的门票,此次活动将持续11天.
We will regroup and have another go next season. 我们将改造自己的球队,并在下赛季继续奋斗。
We will see what happens. “接下来要发生的事谁也不会知道。”
We will see what it is like in Spring not to have a winter break,he added, admitting that he would be happy to be rested for the odd gamein order to be in top-form come the business end of the season. “到了春天你们就会知道冬天不休息是什么结果了,“他补充道,承认自己希望“在一些不太重要的比赛上“被给予休息的机会,以次保证赛季末尾时能够保持最好的状态。
We will seek to expand mutual benefits through strengthening cooperation in a wide range of areas. “我们应该在更广泛的领域里加强合作,实现互惠。”

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