It wants to storm the last bastion of post-office monopolies (carrying ordinary letters).
它还想攻克邮政垄断这最后一个“碉堡”(从事普通平邮业务的公司)。 |
It warned of a possible increase in heroin overdoses in Europe and the Middle East as a result.
并警告这可能引起在欧洲和中东地区吸毒(海洛因)过量的人数的增加。 |
It warns: “Many employers, particularly those who operate in fiercely competitive and generally deflationary markets such as retailing, have seen their pay structures compressed.
英国零售商协会警告称:“许多雇主,特别是那些在零售业等竞争激烈、普遍处于通缩市场上经营的雇主,发现他们的薪资结构受到了挤压。 |
It was Guinness World Recordsday on Thursday, a chance for the weird and wacky to win a place in the compendium of craziness.
据路透社11月9日报道,“吉尼斯世界纪录日”为那些有着奇才怪艺的人提供了入选《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》的机会。 |
It was paintedby hundreds of baby stars on a canvas of gas and dust, with intense ultraviolet light and strong stellar winds as brushes.
这是由数百新生恒星用强烈的紫外线和猛烈的星风作为画笔,在气体和尘埃的画布上绘制的。 |
It was particularly appropriateto have made the acquisition during the centenary of the dramatist's birth, he said.
他说,在这位戏剧家诞辰100周年期间收购这些藏品是“尤为合适的”。 |
It was (scary/ frightening/ terrifying), but (exhilarating/exciting/a real rush).
很(吓人/恐怖/可怕),但是又(兴奋/刺激/是真正的俯冲)。 |
It was / They were invented by … + sb.
它(它们)是由……发明的。 |
It was 10am and I was doing my 12km jog along the scenic seaside with blue skies, blue-green seas, green trees, colorful flowers, birds chirping and sweet floral fragrance.
上午10点,我沿着新加坡风景如画的海边进行12公里的慢跑,碧海蓝天,绿绿的树,五彩的花,鸟儿在欢唱,空气中弥漫着醉人的芳香。 |
It was 12 o'clock and he was still on the job.
已经是12点了, 他还在努力工作。 |
It was 12 o'clock and he was still on the job.
已经是 12 点了, 他还在努力工作。 |