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Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.

Immediately, crying out, the father of the child said, I believe; help my unbelief! 24孩子的父亲立即喊着说,我信;我的不信,求你帮助。
Immediately, hundreds joined in the attack. Let's use our keyboard and mouse in our hands as weapons,as one person wrote, to chop out the heads of these adulterers, to pay for the sacrifice of the husband.Within days, the hundreds had grown to thousands, 很快地,数百人加入了攻击.让我们用我们手中的键盘和鼠标作为武器,正如一个人所写的,来砍下这些通奸者的头颅,以作为这位丈夫的祭品.几天之内,数百人增长到了数千人,然后数万人,大量陌生人形成了穷追这个学生身份和地址的团队,把他逐出了他的大学,并导致他的家人躲在他们的家里.
Immediately, it began to get light. 立刻,它开始变得光亮。
Immediately... So now we're left without a treasurer. 立即生效……所以我们现在没有会计了。
Immerse it in a solution of peroxide and water. 将其浸入过徉氧化氢及水的溶液中。
Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling. 把你的脚泡在冰水里以便消肿。
Immerse yourself in nature. When you can't be out doors,feel deep wihin you cleansing breeze,the lake's calm,the bud's promise. 让自己沉浸于大自然,即使无法出门,也可以用心感受那微风的清新,湖泊的静臆,以及花蕾初绽的悸动。
Immerse yourself in the excitement of professional football. 将你自己沉浸在职业足球比赛的兴奋感中。
Immerse yourself in the great rivers of the world. 将自己浸泡在最伟大的河流之中。
Immerse yourself in this language. 让自己沉浸在这门语言当中。
Immersing in the realm,simple and free, to one\'s own taste and benificial for others, life will be full of luckness and happiness. 生命能沉浸在自己喜欢的,利己利他的境界里,朴实洒脱,也就是幸运,也就是幸福。

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