However, if an article does not follow the expected order, readers may get confused, and have to spend extra effort to find out the order. |
中文意思: 但是,若一篇文章不按这些常见的顺序来安排,就会使读者摸不着头脑,从而额外化一些精力去找出作者安排内容的方法。 |
However, hydropower plays the main role in the power generation structure of Vietnam and is on the leading position not only in aspect of the related installed capacity but also in aspect of the generation before 2001.
而越南的能源生产结构主角是水电能源,在2001年以前的水电能源在装机容量与发电量方面均占主导地位。 |
However, if a child could pick up the language merely by exposure he would be considered a real prodigy.
然而,如果一名儿童仅仅通过接触就能学会这门语言,他会被视作是一个真正的奇才。 |
However, if a credit requires a transport document to be issued to order, to the order of shipper, to order of the issuing bank, or consigned to the issuing bank, the certificate of origin may show the applicant of the credit, or another party named there
但是,如果信用证要求运输单据做成“指示抬头”、“凭托运人指示”、“凭开证行指示”或“货发开证行”式抬头,则原产地证明可以显示信用证的申请人或信用证中具名的另外一方作为收货人。 |
However, if after consulting the case file, interrogating the defendant and heeding the opinions of the other parties, defenders and agents ad litem, the collegial panel thinks the criminal facts are clear, it may open no court session.
合议庭经过阅卷,讯问被告人、听取其他当事人、辩护人、诉讼代理人的意见,对事实清楚的,可以不开庭审理。 |
However, if an acquirer buys the building for $1 million, the tax basis is stepped upto $1 million, and the acquirer can then take more depreciation from this larger basis, thereby enjoying greater tax deductions and cash flow.
但如果一家公司以100万美元的价格购买该楼,计税标准就被抬高到100万,这样买方就能得到更多的折旧,并因而享受更多的课税减免和更充裕的现金流量。 |
However, if an article does not follow the expected order, readers may get confused, and have to spend extra effort to find out the order.
但是,若一篇文章不按这些常见的顺序来安排,就会使读者摸不着头脑,从而额外化一些精力去找出作者安排内容的方法。 |
However, if any body fluid is visibly contaminated with blood, the risk of transmission exists.
然而,如果一种体液明显的被血液所污染,传播的的风险是存在的。 |
However, if any such execution sequence contains an undefined operation, this International Standard places no requirement on the implementation executing that program with that input (not even with regard to operations preceding the first undefined opera
尽管如此,如果在这个执行序列中包含未定义行为,本标准仍不会对实现以这个输入数据的这个程序的执行(不包括对第一个未定义操作之前的操作)作任何规范。 |
However, if arbitration clause is included in the contract, the supplier shall not be determined to be one of the litigants.
但供货合同中有仲裁条款的,则不应当将供货人列为当事人。 |
However, if data are available, the outcome based on regular lattice seems to be more reliable due to its uniform size and spacing.
但若是在资料的取得的汇总上没有困难的话,由于规则格子空间单元有着大小与间距统一等优势,其分析结果推断似较为可靠。 |
However, if experiments are rigged such that animals had to choose between the tactics, some species, such as chickens and toads, prefer a feature-based strategy.
但是在同样的实验中,动物们则会选择其中一种,一些物种,例如鸡和蟾蜍会选择特点记忆法。 |