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Put another way, can you devise a selection approach that would be expected to provide 75 (or more) out of 100 Arctic visitors with five perfect flares?

Put all seasoning ingredients into 1 tbsp of heated oil. Stir. 将所有调味料拌匀,然后下1汤匙滚油爆香,搅拌,待用。
Put all these in the hands of Aaron and his sons and wave them before the LORD as a wave offering. 24都放在亚伦的手上和他儿子的手上,作为摇祭,在耶和华面前摇一摇。
Put all your eggs in one basket--and watch that basket. 把所有的鸡蛋放在一只篮子里,然后看好这只篮子.
Put an ice cube in each glass. 每一个玻璃杯内放入一冰块。
Put another log on the fire. 往炉子里再添一段木柴.
Put another way, can you devise a selection approach that would be expected to provide 75 (or more) out of 100 Arctic visitors with five perfect flares? 换个方式说,你可以设计一种选择方式,让100个造访北极的旅客中,至少有75个人可以带著五枚可用的照明弹吗?
Put another way, the genetic difference between two individuals of the same race can be greater than those between individuals of different races—table sugar may look like salt, but it has more similarities with corn syrup. 换言之,同种族两个人的基因差异,可能比不同种族两个人的差异还要大;糖看起来也许像盐巴,但与玉米糖浆却有更多共同点。
Put another way, your human potential is virtually unlimited. 换句话说,你的潜力实际上是无穷无尽的。
Put aside a few minutes quiet time each morning and do this. 每天早上抽出几分钟静静地做这样的练习。
Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. 24你要除掉邪僻的口,弃绝乖谬的嘴。
Put away from you a deceitful mouth And put devious speech far from you. 箴4:24你要除掉邪僻的口、弃绝乖谬的嘴。

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