You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that?
你曾提到需要一笔额外资金. 你详细谈谈好吗? |
You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that?
你曾提到需要一笔额外资金.你详细谈谈好吗? |
You methodically assess your KM strategy, identify gaps, and outline methods to close the gaps.
你已经系统的评估了你们的知识管理战略,分析了差距所在,已经找到了核心的方法去解决。 |
You might [may] be right.
也许您是对的。 |
You might also send me patter of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the ring.
请寄给我们春季用的衬料新品种样品,库存或现生产中的布料均可。 |
You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.
你倒不如站在海滩上与大海争论。 |
You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little.
只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。 |
You might as well read it as to have me repeat it to you-we can use the time more efficiently in this way and can open more comfortably into conversation.
你也可以自己先阅读或由我来复述,这样我们可以更有效地利用时间并且使我们可以更加舒适地投入讨论。 |
You might as well read the argument as to have me repeat it to you.
你也可以自己先阅读该论题或由我来复述。 |
You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a stubborn woman.
你与其跟一个倔女人争吵,还不如对一块石头说话。 |
You might as well use English version for your computer processing systems and some operating software.
这样在不知不觉中过了一段时间后,你会发现已经懂了许多,而且会感觉学外语其实不难。 |