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She can't leave until Friday.

She can't get over her shyness. 她克服不掉羞怯感.
She can't go to school because she is ill. 她不能上学了,因为她病了。
She can't have children, but she gets vicarious pleasure by looking after her brother's children. 她自己不能生孩子,但她通过照管她弟弟的孩子而得到感同身受的喜悦。
She can't just be written off as an eccentric recluse . 不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。
She can't just be written off as an eccentric recluse. 不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。
She can't leave until Friday. 在星期五之前她不能离开。
She can't make it to prepare many foods, but she cooks after a fashion. 她来不及准备很多的食物,但是她勉强煮了一点。
She can't make up her mind. 她迟迟不能下决心.
She can't see to read without her glasses. 她不戴眼镜就看不见字.
She can't seem to fling off the disease, it's been troubling her for a month now. 看上去她这个病是好不了了,那病已折磨她一个月了。
She can't seem to see the joke in the least. 她似乎完全不懂这个笑话。

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