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Theft or murder is a crime.

Thefair succeeded in reaching new prestigiousheightsbothinstandardization and impact comparable to the other five top-classauto fairs.Auto Chinaisleading the tidal wave of domestic automotive globalization.There were more than 550,000attendees,which stati 2006北京车展的规格已成功晋级,影响力可与国际5大顶级车展比肩,标志着中国汽车工业进入国际化;有数据显示,本届车展观众人数保守估计为55万,这也从一个侧面彰显了中国巨大的汽车市场潜力。
Thefe,there,you said too much. 得啦,得啦,你说的太多了。
Thefindings suggest that governments should rethink the way they try tomanage fisheries. 研究的发现说明各国政府应该对各自管理渔业的方式进行反思。
Thefirst commercially successful kit was the pregnancytest based on the rapid detection of human chorionicgonadotropin in urine by simply adding urine to the test kit (2). 第一个商业化成功的试剂盒是怀孕检测,简单地将尿液加入试剂盒中就能快速地检测到尿液中的人绒毛膜促性腺激素。
Thefirst telephone was the precursor of modern communications networks. 最早出现的电话是现代通讯网的雏型.
Theft or murder is a crime. 盗窃或谋杀都是犯罪行为。
Theheaviestmale drinkers are in the northeastern city of Salvador,where 33percent consume more than five alcoholic beverages per day.In Riode Janeiro, one in four men regularly drinks too much. 最能喝酒的人非该国东北部城市萨尔瓦多的男性莫属,那里33%的男人每天会消耗掉5杯以上的含酒精饮料。
Thein-game version is pretty horrible, sadly, due to the face plate notbeing as wide as the real deal, and only the outer side plates beingclose to the real deal. 随着游戏版本是相当可怕,可悲的是,由于面板没有得到广泛的实际交易而只有在外侧板贴近真实的交易.
Theinnumerable defeats rapids should not prevent the life flowingrapidly, if is defeated the result which can be doomed to struggle,that! 无数失败的险滩不应阻挡生命的奔流,如果失败就能注定奋斗的结局,那!
Their 2004/5 progress as reigning German champions included a 5-1 thumping of the competition's whipping boys, Anderlecht, before they eventually perished 10-2 on aggregate to Lyon in the Round of 16 knockout game. 在2004/05赛季作为德甲卫冕冠军,他们在冠军联赛中5比1大胜安德莱赫特,后来却在1/8决赛中被里昂10比2的总比分击溃。
Their 30 years-old son is just a leech, yet they continue to support him. 他们那个三十岁的儿子只是一个寄生虫,而他们还继续负担他的生活。

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