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During the time Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway, became angry and conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.

During the third tenth of a second, the steering wheel begins to disintegrate and the steering column reaches the CHEST of the DRIVER. 在第三个十分之一秒中,方向盘开始破碎,并且方向盘轴已接触到驾驶员的胸腔。
During the three months before the October rice harvest came in, Abdul and his wife had to watch silently while their three children survived on one meal a day or less. 在10月稻米收割前的三个月里,拉曼的三个孩子每天只靠一餐果腹(有时还更少),而拉曼和妻子只能沉默以对。
During the three years of receiving the guidance for getting listed, these enterprises will get a tax rebate from the local finance department under some circumstances. 在三年上市辅导期内,这些企业可在相关条件下从地方财政获得部分退税。
During the three-year period of follow-up, seeding of pigmented clumps into the vitreous gel was observed. 在三年的追踪期间中,发现有色素颗粒散播到玻璃体中。
During the throes and convulsions of the ancient world, during the agonizing spasms of infuriated man, seeking through blood and slaughter his long-lost liberty, it was not wonderful that the agitation of the billows should reach even this distant and pea 当旧世界经历痛苦和激变时,当盛怒的人们经受痛苦的痉挛,想通过流血和屠杀寻找他们丧失已久的自由时,那巨涛般的震撼甚至会传到遥远而和平的此岸;各人对这种震撼的感觉和恐惧的程度不尽相同,对于采取安全措施也有意见分歧,这些都不足爲奇。
During the time Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway, became angry and conspired to assassinate King Xerxes. 21当那时候,末底改坐在朝门,王的太监中有两个守门的,辟探和提列,恼恨亚哈随鲁王,想要下手害他。
During the time of detention the detainee's food costs shall be paid by himself. 在拘留期间,被拘留人的伙食费由自己负担。
During the time of five years work lately, temper my characters of self-discipline elf confidence, good capacity of comunicate\consciousness of study\team work, capacity of management, and deeply found the sharp competition because of the increasingly eco 在工作的近五年的时间里,锻炼了我自律\自信的品性,良好的沟通能力\学习意识\团队精神,管理能力,也深深感受到了由于经济日益全球化,原材料上涨而导致的竞争加剧,行业利润整体下滑,从而引起的一次次营销变革,作为一名优秀的销售人员应与时具进在厂家强势品牌和完善的服务体系下,规避风险以达到厂家利润最大化.
During the time when I was Chief Coordinator of “Top Talk”, I had expected an interview with him for a long time. 在担任《高端访问》总策划期间,我一直希望能采访到他。
During the town hall meeting, she tried to make clear that she thinks she would be a chief executive with enough fortitude to confront any danger facing the country. 在市镇厅会议上,希拉里试图向大家说明,她认为自己有足够的意志力来面对美国将面临的各种危险。
During the transformation in China's economic system, various aspects of reform and development are subject to the impact on the system. 摘要在我国经济体制的转型中,各方面的改革和发展在一定程度上都受到制度因素的影响。

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