Their individual characteristics will show off when the analysis is made against the background of their life in the decline of slavery and city-state.
如果将早期犬儒置于奴隶制度及城邦走向衰落的背景中来理解,那么其言行上的个人特征就凸现出来。 |
Their individualism finds expression in pleasure-seeking.
他们的个人主义表现为享乐思想。 |
Their ingenuity is likely to change disaster response by rich-world donors in unexpected ways.
他们的独创能力可能会改变富裕世界捐助者以各种意外方式进行的灾难应对。 |
Their initial response was to try to crush it.
他们的第一反应就是取消这一判决。 |
Their instincts are turned into a valuable tool by elegantly and consistently designed software.
他们的本能是通过优美和一贯地设计的软件变成一个有价值的工具。 |
Their instruments, though based on Chinese prototypes, shamelessly take over functions from the West.
他们的乐器虽是植基于中国的原型,毫不羞愧地把西方的功能拿了过来。 |
Their insulting remarks were a provocation.
他们污辱人的话是一种挑釁。 |
Their integration projected on this chaotic context requires a new aproach.
这使他们理想即使不必要的项目都在清晰浓绿的目的下发展。 |
Their intelligence aside, survival of these noble spirits remains a miracle - can we see anything akin nowadays when Chinese intellectures have raised into the better offs?
这是我们论坛页面的一个简化版本.查看包含更多信息的完整版本请您点击这里. |
Their interest in consumers' grocery bags followed a series of studies in the Danish media suggesting that wine drinkers ran a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer than beer drinkers.
研究人员开展此项顾客购买食品倾向的调查的灵感源于此前丹麦媒体公布的一系列相关研究,这些研究表明,葡萄酒饮用者患心血管疾病和某些癌症的可能性要低于啤酒饮用者。 |
Their interest is listening to others.
他们的兴趣是听别人说话。 |