In Chapter 1, Software Testing Background,and Chapter 2, The Software Development Process,you learned about the basics of software testing and the software development process. |
中文意思: 在第一章《软件测试的背景》和第二章《软件开发流程》中,您学习到了关于软件测试和软件开发的基础知识。 |
In Casablanca in May 2003, 14 Moroccan men carried out highly coordinated suicide bombing attacks at five sites, killing 41 people, including 13 of the bombers.
2003年,14个摩洛哥人在卡萨布兰卡的5个地点实施极为类似的袭击,造成41人死亡,其中包括13名袭击者。 |
In Catholic neighborhoods, the murals are usually republican and favor union with the Republic of Ireland.
在天主教的社区中,壁画通常代表共和,倾向于和爱尔兰统一。 |
In Catholicism, it is the ceremonial fire that is used to receive the commoners; it can bring about joy and the tranquility in one's mind.
在天主教里,它是承给世人的圣火,可带来心灵上的喜悦和平静。 |
In Ceylon, for instance, he helped restore the legitimate ruler to the throne.
例如,在锡兰(即今天的斯里兰卡),他扶持合法统治者重登王位。 |
In Championship Mode you must complete a level with a minimum of damage to unlock new levels. Once you get the hang of Monster Truck, you'll be hooked!
在冠军模式下你必须在最小的破坏程度下完成每一级难度来解锁下一关。一旦你得到游戏中的鬼怪卡车,你将爱不释手! |
In Chapter 1, Software Testing Background,and Chapter 2, The Software Development Process,you learned about the basics of software testing and the software development process.
在第一章《软件测试的背景》和第二章《软件开发流程》中,您学习到了关于软件测试和软件开发的基础知识。 |
In Chapter 5, you'll learn how to change your page on command. This chapter will teach you how to alter the very structure an HTML document on the fly.
在第五章中,你会学习到如何使用命令来改变你的页面。这章会教你如何改变在飞的html文档的结构。 |
In Chapter 6, you'll learn how to make your site buzzword compliant. After reading this chapter, you, too, will be able to access server-side functionality without resorting to clunky page refreshes.
在第六章里,你会学习到如何让你的站点时髦与兼容。阅读本章后,你也能够不用刷新页面就可以访问服务器端的功能。 |
In Chapter 8, for example, I'll discuss how you can put your device into a low power state during periods of inactivity.
例如,在第八章中,我将讨论,在静止周期过程中,你如何能够把你的设备放进一个低功率状态。 |
In Chapter I, I analyze the general trends of social and economic changes taking place in the sixteenth century and conclude the chapter with a detailed discussion of the rapid growth of commodity economy in Fukien and Kiangsi.
第一章,我分析了十六世纪社会和经济变化的一般趋势,并以福建和广西商品经济快速发展的详细探讨终章。 |
In Chapter eight the transportation problem and the assignment problem are both examined.
在第八章,检验了运输问题和分配问题。 |