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A Study on DNA Extraction and Establishment of RAPD Reaction System in Bees

A Study of the correlation between CD44V6 and P16 protein expression and their behaviors on human lung squamous cancer and adenocarcinoma. 肺鳞癌、腺癌CD 44v、P16基因蛋白表达与其生物学行为之间关系研究
A Study on Biological Characteristics and Molecular Epidemiology of Shigella Boydii Serotype 18 鲍氏志贺氏菌18型菌株的生物学特性及分子流行病学研究
A Study on Biological Characters of Serum Cancer-Suppressive Peptide 血清抑癌多肽某些生物学特性的研究
A Study on Cytokines in Synovial Aspirates of Various-stage TMJDS Patients Section 2 :IL-6 and Its Significance 颞颌关节紊乱综合征各期患者滑液中细胞因子的研究 第2报 IL-6水平及其意义
A Study on Cytokines in Synovial Aspirates of Various-stage TMJDS Patients——Section 1:IL-1 and Its significance 颞颌关节紊乱综合征各期患者滑液中细胞因子的研究——第1报 IL-1水平及其意义
A Study on DNA Extraction and Establishment of RAPD Reaction System in Bees 蜜蜂DNA提取纯化与RAPD反应体系的建立
A Study on Isolation, Culture, Identification, and Induced in Vitro Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells 牙髓干细胞分离培养鉴定和体外诱导分化的研究
A Study on Liver Mitochondria Respiration and Its Protein Synthesis in Cold Adapted Rats 冷适应大鼠肝脏线粒体的呼吸功能及蛋白质合成
A Study on Means for Preservation of Leaves of Camellia oleifera for DNA Extraction 用于DNA提取的油茶叶片保存方法探讨
A Study on Molecular Mechanism of Swarming Motility in Citrobacter Freundii 弗氏枸椽酸杆菌群集运动的分子机制研究
A Study on P16 and P53 Protein Expressions in Ovarinan Serous Cystadenocarcinoma P16、P53蛋白表达与人卵巢浆液性囊腺癌的关系

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