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The English assignment is a book report.

The English alphabet has 26 letters. 英语共有26个字母。
The English always complain about the bad weather. 英国人总抱怨天气不好。
The English are a deeply nostalgic people and value customs and traditions above almost everything. 英国人是非常怀旧的民族,几乎视传统和习俗高于一切。
The English are mentioned in the Bible: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. 《圣经》中有提及英国人的话:“柔顺的人们是有福的,因为他们将会继承大地”。
The English are perhaps no less proud than anybody else ,but in their relations with others value at least a show of modesty . 当他们与初次客户或是国外友人成功的进行了洽谈的时候,展现了他们的完美和令人满意的一面。
The English assignment is a book report. 英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。
The English auspicious printing science and technology limited company is located the Shanghai Zhabei area republican new road 1,207 to make 8. 英祥印刷科技有限公司位于上海市闸北区共和新路1207弄8幢。
The English barrister is famous for his successes in the courts. 这位英国出庭律师以在法庭上的屡胜而闻名。
The English champions bowed out of the UEFA Champions League in midweek as Barcelona defeated them. 这支英超冠军球队在周中对战巴塞罗那的比赛中被击败,因而退出了冠军联赛。
The English champions have long been linked with a move for Betis' star man Joaquin, but now they may make a move for his understudy. 长久以来,英超冠军对贝蒂斯的当家球星华金抱有浓厚兴趣,并希得到望后者,但现在看来他们更有可能签下华金的替代者。
The English colonized New England. 英国人移民了新英格兰。

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