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Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

Not bother to vote is a sure sign of defeatism. 连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义
Not bothering to vote is a sure sign of defeatism . 连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义。
Not bothering to vote is a sure sign of defeatism. 连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义。
Not breaking from the laid-back demeanor that has made him a calming presence in the Yankee locker room for 16 years, Bernie Williams said yesterday that he was not sure what he would do if he could control his future. 16年以来他在洋基更衣室的生涯从来没有间断过,威廉斯昨天说他还不确定如果他可以控制他的未来的话,他将会做什麽。
Not but I think a painter may make a better face than ever was; but he must do it by a kind of felicity (as a musician that maketh(3) an excellent air in music), and not by rule. 余不否认画像之美可以超绝尘寰,但此美必为神笔,而非可依规矩得之者,乐师之谱成名曲亦莫不皆然。
Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. 万军之耶和华说,不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的灵,方能成事。
Not casually, like it was a recipe for meatballs, but with urgency and purpose. 不能漫不经心,好像那是肉丸子食谱似的,您得显得紧急、有目的性。
Not chaste or modest. 不贞洁的,淫荡的
Not civilized; barbarous. 不文明的;野蛮的
Not coincidentally, Mexicans are among the biggest swiggers of fizzy drinks in the world. 墨西哥人是世界上饮用最多的泡沫饮料的人,这并非偶然。
Not coincidentally, Peanuts hit superstardom after Snoopy adopted his World War I flying-ace persona. 在史努比以第一次世界大战王牌飞行员的人物形象出现之后,他就成为超级大明星,这并非偶然。

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