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The high price has brought about great effect on the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining industry in the downstream.

The high population approach treats plantation as an annual crop (one harvest only). 密植种植把大蕉当作一年生的作物处理(只收获一次)。
The high power amplifier will produce crosstalk in the process of transformation, so in order to increase the purpose of increasing the efficiency and accuracy in the transformation of information, the method of linearity is employed. 摘要高功率放大器会对信号产生交调失真,为了提高信息传递的效率和准确性,需要对其进行线性化。
The high precision separation device can use those mill beads which has small diameter and get high output. 高精度的分离装置,可选配较小粒径的研磨珠,获得较高产能。
The high pressure brings me insomnia and lower mood. (高度的压力给我带来了失眠和更加忧郁的心情。
The high pressure generated by the espresso machine emulsifies a small amount of the oils, about 0.1 gram a cup. 由浓缩咖啡机产生的高压,会将少量的油脂乳化,每一杯咖啡约含0.1克。
The high price has brought about great effect on the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining industry in the downstream. 高油价对石油产业下游石油化工和石油精炼产业的运行产生了深刻的影响。
The high price is a balk to me. 对我来说,价格太高是一个障碍。
The high price will continue according to the qualitative analyses and price forecast. 通过定性分析和油价预测发现,油价高位运行态势将长期维持下去。
The high priest Ananias commanded those standing beside him to strike him on the mouth. 徒23:2大祭司亚拿尼亚、就吩咐旁边站著的人打他的嘴。
The high priest anointed him king. 大祭司施涂油礼, 以示他已成为国王.
The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar. 大祭司把山羊献在祭坛上。

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