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Triose Phosphate Translocator in the Inner Membrane of Chloroplast

Triangular or oval nostril was dominant 87% in males and 8% in females. 鼻孔形状以三角或卵圆形为主,男女各占87%,8%;
Triaxial shear apparatus with an approximate actual stress path was used to do dry-wet crewel parallel experiment and wetting deformation experiment of different compactions under complicated stress function. 同时,利用室内三轴剪切仪模拟接近实际的应力路径,对强风化软岩进行干—湿双线平行试验和在复杂应力状态下不同压实度的湿化变形试验,试验结果表明:路面不发生开裂或塑性破坏的临界应变值为%;
Trickle Charge Timekeeping Chip DS 0 and Its Application 连续补充充电实时时钟芯片DS 0及其应用
Trie daily average temperatures in the shallow soil (0-0 cm) in the orchard were .0 ℃ - . ℃ which were .0 ℃ - . ℃ lower than those in the open area. 果园内土壤浅层(0-0 cm)日平均温度为.0- .℃,比空旷地的低.0- .℃;
Trimmed Surface in Geometric Modeling 几何造型中的裁剪曲面
Triose Phosphate Translocator in the Inner Membrane of Chloroplast 叶绿体内被膜上的磷酸丙糖转运器
Triple I Method of Fuzzy Modus Tollens under Lukasiewicz Implication Operator 基于Lukasiewicz蕴涵算子的三I FMT算法
Triterpenes from Rubus parkeri root 乌泡子根的三萜成分
Trope is an important method of garnish news comments, playing an important role in the aspects of designation of the layout of the article, innovation of the structure of comments. 比喻是新闻评论篇章修辞的重要手段,在谋篇布局、创新评论结构形式等方面有着重要作用。
Trouble Shooting of PICKER 00 EXPERT CT(AReport of Cases) PICKER00 EXPERT CT故障检修例报告
Trouble analysis of the dither of diesel engine speed record of LKJ 000 locomotive supervise and record apparatus LKJ000型机车监控装置柴油机转速记录抖动故障的分析

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