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His shaving mirror was covered with condensation.

His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me. 他奉承雇主的那副奴颜婢膝的嘴脸令我恶心。
His shabby appearance creates a bad impression. 他那寒酸的样子给人留下不好的印象.
His shaggy hair and natural charisma were refreshing in a party best known for conformity. 他那蓬乱的头发和自然的魅力给一个以循规蹈矩著称的政党带来了清新感觉。
His shaking hands showed his inward fear. 他颤抖的双手显示出他内心的恐惧。
His sharp-tongued criticism pulled me up thought. 他尖刻的批评使我思考。
His shaving mirror was covered with condensation. 他的剃须镜上有一层小水珠.
His shell became fragile. Once when he rolled down a hill, it was knocked off a little. 他的壳变脆了。有一次滚下山头时,还敲掉了一小块,沙子灌进了伤口,非常的疼痛,他第一次可以握到了自己的壳。
His shining eyes held fast to the horizon, and he seemed to be listening for some sound that was wanting from that inland acreage, vocal as it was with the cheerful music of pasturage and farmyard. 他目光炯炯地紧盯着地平线;像在倾听某种声音,那是内陆地带所缺少的,尽管那里有牧场和农庄的欢快音乐。
His shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it. 风吹著他的衬衫使之鼓胀的跟气球一样。
His shirt has slit at one side. 他的衬衫一边裂开了。
His shirt is a white as snow. 他的衬衫洁白如雪。

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