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The reasons (or excuses) for inaction vary from place to place.

The reasonable range of the average market price, average price differential and average profit margin of the commodities and services shall be specified pursuant to their relationship to the national economy and social development or the closeness of the 商品或者服务的市场平均价格、平均差价率、平均利润率的合理幅度,按照其与国民经济和社会发展的关系或者与居民生活的密切程度,市场供求状况和不同行业、不同环节、不同商品或者服务的特点规定。
The reasonableness of the numeric method for computing limiting concentration of light component in distillate is confirmed using the calculated results of the example. 通过举例计算检验了馏出液中轻组分极限浓度的数值计算方法的合理性。
The reasoning behind this is that less curvy women are thought to have higher levels of the male hormone, testosterone. 这种说法的论据是人们认为曲线较不明显的妇女具有较多的男性荷尔蒙──睾丸素酮。
The reasoning behind this is that the human brain (even yours) can only take in and process so much information at one time. 之所以这样做,其潜在的原因是由于人类的大脑(甚至是你)只能同时接受和处理为数不多的信息。
The reasoning is that humanity is self-serving, so in order to create a truly humanoid robot the robot must be self-serving as well. 它的理论根据是:人性是自私的,因此为了创造出一个真正的类人机器人,机器人本身也必须是自私的。
The reasons (or excuses) for inaction vary from place to place. 无所作为的理由〔或借口〕在不同的地方有所不同。
The reasons about collapse of the reheating furnace top's casting material are analysed through some actual construction projects, and the points for attention and technological requests about furnace top's casting material construction are put fornard. 摘要结合工程实例分析了加热炉炉顶浇注料发生坍塌事故的原因,从浇注料施工角度提出加热炉炉顶浇注料施工的注意事项和要求。
The reasons about the buyer refused to pay? 债务人拒付款的理由?
The reasons are as follows: insufficient education funds, a disparity between salaries of urban teachers' and rural ones' due to unbalanced regional economy, imperfect employment system and teachers' initiative being neglected. 其原因有:教育投入不足、地域经济不平衡造成城乡教师收入差距明显;教师任用制度疲软;教师能动性被漠视。
The reasons are discussed in detail. 本文对引起这一差异的原因做了初步探讨。
The reasons are presented below…… 原因例举如下……

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