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Scopes of business activities: import and export for Chinese Herbs and Drugs, Chinese Patent Medicines, Animal and Botanical Medicated Wines, Cassia Lignea for Medicinal Purpose, Pharmaceuticals and Their Raw Materials, Medical Instruments and Apparatus,

Scope of application:used for zincification and as alloy material. 适用范围:主要用于镀锌和制造铅各类合金。
Scope of today's discussion: a sample of case study, just a taste! 今天讨论的范畴:只是一个案例分析的样板.
Scope of uses: leather sofas, leather jackets and leather bags. The product is not suitable for use with leather of coarse surface finish. 适用于各种颜色的光面皮革(如皮衣、皮沙发、皮包、皮鞋等)。不适用于磨砂皮,绒面皮。
Scope: Used in punch, clutch, paper machine, cutting machine and weave machine etc. 简要说明:适用范围:广泛应用于冲压机床、锻压机床、离合器、剪床、造纸机械、纺织机械等设备。
Scopes are a bit odd. A +7 scope will add +7 damage to the low end, but +14 to the high end. I don't know why - but it does. 至于瞄准镜则有些奇怪。一个+7的瞄准镜可以+7伤害下限,但却能+14伤害上限。我不清楚是何故,但确实如此。
Scopes of business activities: import and export for Chinese Herbs and Drugs, Chinese Patent Medicines, Animal and Botanical Medicated Wines, Cassia Lignea for Medicinal Purpose, Pharmaceuticals and Their Raw Materials, Medical Instruments and Apparatus, 公司主要经营中药材、中成药、动植物药酒、药用桂类;医药药品及原料、医疗器械、乳胶制品、卫生用品及敷料;医用美容化妆品、医药保健品;羽毛、羽绒及其制品;皮革、皮革制品;鞋类及其他体育用品;矿产品、有色金属等商品的进出口及代理进出口业务。
Scope:in the feld of water conservancy,water and lectricity ,hight way,railway water port, and air port,bridge, and enviromenl protection.Main usage:anti-filtering,isolating and water erinage. 短纤针刺非织造土工布的应用范围主要是在水利、水电、公路、铁路、港口、道桥、环保等领域,它的主要作用是反滤、隔离、排水。
Scorched Earth: Ability to make impassable terrain, enviornment based defenses. 焦土战术:用于制造不可通过地形的技能,地形防御。
Scorching temperatures continue to plague much of the west, and forecasters predict little relief in the days ahead. The extreme temperatures are also raising concerns about wildfires in several states. 高温持续影响西部大部分地区,预计未来几天内气温仍将持续。罕见高温也使好几个州提高了对山林大火的警惕。
Score one for neighborliness when volunteer firefighters from Winifred and Hilger, small towns 23 road miles (37 kilometers) apart, defy summer storm clouds to assemble for their annual softball duel. 当夏季的暴风雨来到温妮弗莱德和西尔格,两个相隔23里路程(合37公里)的小城镇,的自愿消防员们年度垒球对抗赛的上空时,他们的坚持比赛为他们的友谊又加上了一分。
Score the column again in different place, and try for a clean break. 在不同的地方再割一次柱,尝试获是整齐地划口。

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