America's national parks are endangered by polluted air.
描述:美国的国家公园正遭受着严重的空气污染。 |
America's national symbol, the bald eagle, almost went extinct twenty years ago, but it did made a comeback.
二十年前,象征美国的标志--秃头鹰几乎灭绝,但它的数量最终恢复,它又得以在这个国度再展雄姿。 |
America's openness to new technology conflicts with Europe's instinctive suspicion of genetically modified organisms, for example.
例如,美国对新技术的开放与欧洲对转基因生物固有的怀疑相冲突。 |
America's paranoia deepened as its jobless rate climbed—especially when the Japanese started buying landmarks like the Rockefeller Centre.
随着失业率攀升,美国的多疑症加剧——特别是当日本人开始购买诸如洛克菲勒中心这样的地标之时。 |
America's people and its government are responding decisively to the challenges of our changed world.
美国人民及其政府以坚定的信念迎接我们这个已经发生变化的世界所提出的挑战。 |
America's pledge to negotiate further on this issue may have seemed more credible because the door is now ajar for Virgin America.
由于大门现在已经向维珍美国敞开,美国在就此问题进一步磋商中的担保似乎更加可靠了。 |
America's productivity growth speeded up while Europe's slowed.
美国的生产率突然加速增长,而欧洲的增长却放缓了。 |
America's public pension scheme is shuffling towards insolvency as the population ages.
随着人口的老龄化,美国民众的养老金计划进展迟缓甚至频临破产。 |
America's reaction has convinced the DPP, already sceptical of the depth of American support for Taiwan, that it has nothing to lose by pursuing a campaign that is bound to harm ties.
美国的反应使已经怀疑其能在多大程度上支持台湾的民进党相信,在这个注定要损害双方关系的运动中,自己已经无路可退。 |
America's readiness to make an Indian exception to all the rules risks snapping two of the joists that support the global non-proliferation structure.
美国准备在所有核规则上给印度开绿灯威胁到了全球核不扩散框架的两大支柱。 |
America's recent economic data have sown confusion (see article), but even where the news has appeared positive, dangers lurk.
美国最近的经济数据引起大家的困惑,但是即使在那些消息看起来比较正面的地方,也潜伏着危险。 |