In 16 career ALDS games, Damon has a .362 average, a .413 on-base percentage, eight extra-base hits and seven stolen bases. |
中文意思: 他生涯在季后赛第一轮16场比赛的成绩是打击率0.362、上垒率0.413,8支长打以及七次盗垒成功。 |
In 1538, the fleet of Charles V was defeated at the Battle of Preveza by Khair ad Din, securing the eastern Mediterranean for the Turks for 33 years.
阿尔哈桑请求西班牙舰队协助,而查尔斯5世也准备在同年夺回对突尼斯的控制权,同年西班牙人实现了这一梦想,哈夫斯帝国复辟。 |
In 1563 , Giorgio Blandrata was appointed as court physician, and his radical religious ideas increasingly influenced both the young king John II and the Calvinist bishop Francis David , eventually converting both to the Anti-Trinitarian (Unitarian) creed
1563年,乔吉奥·布兰德拉塔被任命为宫廷医师,他狂热的宗教思想极大地影响了年轻的国王约翰二世和加尔文主教弗朗西斯·大卫,使他们皈依了反三位一体教派。 |
In 1564, France adopt new chronology Gregorian calendar (be the solar calendar being applied or used universally at present) reforming , beginning of taking January 1 as 1 year first.
1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始。 |
In 1585, about 100 men settled on Roanoke Island, off the coast of the present day state of North Carolina.
1585年,大约100人在罗诺克岛定居,即今天的北卡罗来纳州港口附近。 |
In 1596, English navigator Sir Francis Drake died off the coast of Panama; he was buried at sea off Puerto Bello, Panama, in a lead coffin.
1596年,英国航海家法兰西斯德雷克,于巴拿马外海航行时过世;遗体置于铅棺而海葬于巴拿马波多贝约。(德雷克为第一个环球航行的英国船长,曾击败西班牙无敌舰队。) |
In 16 career ALDS games, Damon has a .362 average, a .413 on-base percentage, eight extra-base hits and seven stolen bases.
他生涯在季后赛第一轮16场比赛的成绩是打击率0.362、上垒率0.413,8支长打以及七次盗垒成功。 |
In 16 seasons as an NBA head coach, Adelman has amassed 752 wins to 481 losses in his time with the Portland Trail Blazers, Golden State Warriors, and Sacramento Kings.
阿德尔曼在NBA执教16个赛季,先后效力于开拓者、勇士和国王,总共揽下752胜481负的战绩。 |
In 1605, the Gunpowder Plotfailed as Guy Fawkes was seized before he could blow up the English Parliament.
1605年“黑色火药密谋”活动失败,当盖伊福克斯要爆炸英国国会之前被抓。 |
In 1609, Henry Hudson sailed his ship “the half moon”. Up the river that now bears his name past Manhattan Island.
驾驶着他那艘名叫半月的船,沿河而上,这条河现在以他的名字命名,称为曼哈顿岛。 |
In 1637, Granny Xu celebrated her sixtieth birthday.
1637年,徐老太太迎来了她的60大寿。 |
In 1638, France's King Louis the 14th was born.
在1638年,法国第十四任国王路易斯出世. |