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The official drops the puck on the ice to start the game.Now it's all about scoring goals.

The official commemoratio began with the raising of the national flag. Dignitaries then laid flowers at the foot of a monument honoring participants in the 1956 uprising. 官方的庆祝活动以升国旗的仪式开场,各国政要在1956年起义者的纪念碑下献鲜花。
The official commemorations began with the raising of the national flag. Dignitaries then laid flowers at the foot of a monument honoring participants in the 1956 uprising. 官方的庆祝活动以升国旗的仪式开场,各国政要在1956年起义者的纪念碑下献鲜花。
The official confirmed North Korea informed the Chinese government prior to the test that it would be a 4 kiloton nuclear device. 这位官员确认朝鲜在核试验前通知中国政府测试将会有4千吨当量和装置。
The official confirmed that Mr Lamy had suggested that the next week to 10 days was the make-or-break point for the Doha round of talks. 该官员确认,拉米先生已经表示,今后一周至10天内,多哈回合谈判成败悬于一线。
The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government. 通货由政府发行的官方货币、铸币和可转让纸币
The official drops the puck on the ice to start the game.Now it's all about scoring goals. 裁判把冰球扔到冰上,比赛开始了,现在最重要的的事情就是射门得分。
The official emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is entitled Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing. It combines the Chinese seal, the art of calligraphy with a sporting feature cleverly. 北京奥运会的会徽叫做“中国印——舞动的北京”。它巧妙地将中国印张篆刻和书法艺术与运动中的形象结合在了一起。
The official emblem ofBeijing 2008entitled “Chinese Seal -Dancing Beijing”combines the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting features. 北京2008年奥运会的会徽“中国印·舞动的北京”将中国篆刻和书法艺术与体育运动的特色结合在一起。
The official employment advertise was the effective channel for country to select talented persons This article establishes mathematical model which produced assignment plan and the algorithm for leading group's under different actual need to select the t 摘要公务员招聘是国家选用德才兼备人才的有效渠道,本文建立了录用分配的数学模型,给出录用领导小组在不同的实际需要下的分配方案及算法,进一步提出了对招聘公务员过程中需要改进的地方提出了适当的建议。
The official guideline limits of cyanobacterial toxins have not been established. 该文介绍了有关藻毒素的人类健康效应、暴露途径、可能的指导值及其计算方法。
The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor. 这个官员对穷人的需求表现出完全漠视的态度。

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