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Gloria spread their heads bowed in front of you looking at your intensive microphone.

Gloomily, Alan climbed into the sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep. Beside him Alice slept, her breathing seeming to keep in time with the insistent beat of crickets. 阿兰闷闷不乐地钻进自己的睡袋,渐渐地进入了梦乡。躺在他身旁的爱丽丝也睡着了,她的呼吸声似乎和蛐蛐儿的鸣叫声保持同步。
Gloominess is the patent of beautiful girls. 周奔驰:忧郁是漂亮女孩的专利。
Gloomy Sunday! With shadows I spit all. 绝望的星期天!我将把它与阴影一起消磨待尽。
Gloria International Hotels takes your privacy and security very seriously and we have taken steps to guard your privacy via the Mailing Lists. 凯莱国际酒店集团非常重视您的隐私权,我们也已采取进一步措施,加强在邮件列表方面的安全管理。
Gloria is diligent,She means to pass the driving-test. 格罗利亚很刻苦。她决心通过驾驶考试。
Gloria spread their heads bowed in front of you looking at your intensive microphone. 看着你低着头推开扬到你面前密集的话筒.
Gloria, Melman and Alex begin to sing together. (格洛莉娅、梅尔曼和亚力克斯开始唱歌。)
Gloria: Ah, for crying out loud, Marty, would you just tell us? I mean, really, what could happen? 格洛莉娅:玛蒂,你就说吧,好不好?我是说真的,能有什么霉运呢?
Gloria: Come on, open it up! 格洛莉娅:拜托,打开吧!
Gloria: Let's go, let's make a wish, Baby Cakes. 格洛莉娅:来吧,我们对蛋糕许个愿吧!
Gloria: This is the life! 格洛莉娅:这才是生活!

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