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1 Credit vests on the foundation of character.

1 Cor. 9:17 If I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will, I am entrusted with a stewardship. 林前九17我若甘心作这事,就有赏赐;若不甘心,管家的职分却已经托付我了。
1 Cor. 9:2 If to others I am not an apostle, yet surely I am to you; for you in the Lord are the seal of my apostleship. 林前九2若是对别人我不是使徒,对你们我总是使徒,因为你们在主里正是我使徒职分的印记。
1 Cor. 9:23 And I do all things for the sake of the gospel that I may become a fellow partaker of it. 林前九23凡我所行的,都是为福音的缘故,为要与人同享这福音。
1 Cor. 9:25 And everyone who contends exercises self-control in all things; they then, that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we, an incorruptible. 林前九25凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制;他们不过是要得能坏的华冠,我们却是要得不能坏的华冠。
1 Cor. 9:5 Do we not have a right to take along a sister as a wife, even as the rest of the apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas? 林前九5难道我们没有权利带著为妻子的姊妹往来,彷佛其余的使徒,和主的兄弟,并矶法一样么?
1 Credit vests on the foundation of character. 名望创建在性格的基础上。
1 Critical customer design information such as product model and number, design change description, design receiving date, design version, received by, sent by, etc. is well collected and recorded in the master list. 将客户设计的各项重要资料收集并记录在主表内,包括:产品型号和编号,设计(图纸)变更的描述,接收日期,设计(图纸)版本,接收人,发出人等等.
1 Culture refers to the total way of life of a people, that is, the customs, traditions, social habits, value, beliefs, languages, ways of thinking and daily activities of a people. 1文化是指一个族的整个生活方式,即一个族的风俗、传统、社会习惯、价值观、信仰、语言、思维方式以及日常活动。
1 Cummins B,Auckland M,Cummins P.Cardiac-specific tropinin I,raˉdioimmunoassay in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.Am Heart J,1987,113(6):1333. 3李静,胡大一,顼志敏,等.血清心脏肌钙蛋白I在急性心肌梗塞中的临床价值.中国循环杂志,1999,14(9):42.
1 Damings uncle likes books, but he doesnt like football. 大明的叔叔喜欢书,但他不喜欢足球。
1 Darling, now don't get angry with me but I had a bit of a prang with a truck today. 亲爱的,可别跟我生气啊,不过呢,我今天和一辆卡车剐上了。

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