Although that writer is out at the elbows, he still keeps in writing.
那个作家虽然已经穷困潦倒了,但他还是继续写作。 |
Although that's a little matter, but hope everybody have to advert on book.
虽然这是小节,希望大家在书面形式的时候要注意。 |
Although the 25-year-old could have entered the country he would not have been able to work and opted to return to Brazil while Chelsea try to rush through his permit application.
虽然这位25岁的能够来到这个国家但由于没有劳工证的缘故他只能返回巴西等消息与此同时切尔西也在抓紧时间上诉。 |
Although the 55 ethnic groups have less population , they distribute 64.3 percents in our nation ,mainly on the bound of the Northeast , north china , Northwest , southwest.
55个少数民族虽然人口少,但分布的地区却很广,约占全国总面积的64.3%,主要分布在东北、华北、西北、西南的边疆地区。 |
Although the Bank of England is trying to avoid being the first port of call for banks, if unusual market rates persist, it would act to secure its objective for “overnight market interest rates to be in line with the Bank's official rate”.
尽管英国央行一直努力避免成为银行的第一贷款人,但如果市场利率继续处于不正常水平,它将采取行动,确保达到“银行间隔夜拆息与官方利率相符”的目标。 |
Although the Bhagavatam doesn't explicitly describe the Earth as a globe, it does so indirectly.
尽管《圣典博伽瓦谭》没有明确地指出地球是球形的,但它却间接地说明这一点。 |
Although the Bush administration has long accused Iran and Syria of meddling in Iraq, the bipartisan Iraq Study Group called for direct talks with those countries.
尽管布什政府一再指责伊朗和叙利亚在伊拉克问题上管闲事,由民主和共和两党组成的伊拉克研究小组还是建议与两国进行直接对话。 |
Although the Canadian-born midfielder has again recently expressed his hopes that the deal is not dead, he also insisted his sole immediate aim is to concentrate on getting back to full fitness with his current club.
哈格里夫斯本人曾两次在公开场合表示渴望加入曼联队,但是拜仁慕尼黑方面坚持不放人。 |
Although the China's dyestuff industry enjoys high prestige in production scale occupying first position globally, but its innovation ability isn't the first one practically in the world.
摘要我国染料工业的规模是世界第一,但是染料界自身的创新能力却与之严重不符。 |
Although the Chinese Communist Party had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals in China who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.
五四运动时期虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。 |
Although the Chinese garden is a product of sophisticated art, the plant life in it is usually free from any appearance of artifice.
尽管中国的园林艺术是精细的,但植物通常都没有人工加工的痕迹。 |