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Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.

Your recklessness has inspired me to destroy you. 你的鲁莽行为时刻刺激着我去给你重重一击。
Your recommendation on packing is welcome. 欢迎你对包装提出建议。
Your recommended minimum power supply is 286 walts! 嗬嗬我电源额定功率是350的,峰值415,够啦!
Your reduction is too modest. What about 4%? 你的降价幅度太小了。4%怎么样?
Your references to groups of people should show no preferences for male or female pronouns. 当需要用复数人称表达时,最好使用那些男女皆宜的词。
Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament. 你的拒绝让我感到十分为难。
Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order. 你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。
Your relatives and friends in other cities or foreign countries can remit the foreign exchange funds to ICBC who will safely and timely send the funds to you. 您在异地或境外的亲朋好友可将外汇款项汇往工商银行,工商银行会安全、及时地将款项送达您的手中。
Your remark concerning the budget was right on target. 你对预算所做的评论切中要害。
Your remark didn't have any bearing on what happened. 你的话与所发生的事情毫无关系。
Your remark excited him to jealousy. 你的话引起了他的嫉妒。

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