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The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions.

The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it. 对於那些曾参战的人来说,那场战争仍记忆犹新。
The war that was disastrous to human had what effect on poets? 1这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响呢?
The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命.
The war was carried into enemy territory. 战争已伸展到敌方领土.
The war was carried into enemy territory. 战争已伸展到敌方领土。
The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
The war was on then. 那时正在打仗。
The war was over, glamour was back in and women started to follow a style called the Domestic Goddesslook. 战争结束了,装扮之风再起,女人开始追求一种叫做“家有女神”的发型。
The war's abject failure discredited pan-Arabism, allowing Arafat to bring the Palestinian cause itself to centre stage. 虽然战争以尴尬的失利收场,让泛阿主义的名誉从此扫地,却促成阿拉法特带领巴勒斯坦人自己走向了中心舞台。
The ward rounds and treatment start at 8a.m. 每天早上8点开始查访和治疗。
The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph's care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did. 23凡在约瑟手下的事、司狱一概不察、因为耶和华与约瑟同在、耶和华使他所作的尽都顺利。

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