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Several branches of the willows drooped over the water.

Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament. 这届国会结束时,好几个议案制定成为法律。
Several birds and nonhuman mammals, for instance, are much better problem solvers than others: elephants, dolphins, parrots, crows. 鸟类与哺乳类就有几种出类拔萃,很会解决问题,像是大象、海豚、鹦鹉、乌鸦。
Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour. 港湾里停泊著几只船.
Several bombs exploded outside a court in the southern port city of Chittagong, and almost simultaneously a bomb exploded at a court library in Gazipur town, near Dhaka. 几枚炸弹在南部港口城市吉大港一家法院外面爆炸,达卡附近的加济布尔的一处法院图书馆几乎同时被炸。
Several books suggested that the disappearances were due to an intelligent, technologically advanced race living in space or under the sea. 一些书暗示消失是由智能力量、生活在空间和海底科技发达物种引起的。
Several branches of the willows drooped over the water. 一些柳枝低垂在水面上。
Several brutish ogres went to work on penetrating a section of wall already compromised From the meteor assault. 一些粗野的食人魔去刺穿一段遭受陨石攻击之后已经毫无抵抗力的城墙。
Several candidates had been manoeuvring for position long before the leadership became vacant. 领导职位尚未空缺, 几个竞争者早就在为向上爬而钩心斗角了.
Several candidates had been manoeuvring for position long before the leadership became vacant. 领导职位尚未空缺,几个竞争者早就在为向上爬而钩心斗角了.
Several cars are available within this price range. 在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。
Several cars were parked in the street and in the driveway. 几部汽车停在路边和停车道上。

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