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Scanning can be recursive and countable files extensions can de defined.

Scannapieco and Petitjean are working together on the clustering of heavy elements observed in quasar spectra. 史坎纳皮科与佩提特金正合作探讨类星体光谱中观测到的重元素群集现象。
Scannapieco, who also dabbles in cosmology, works under the auspices of the National Science Foundation at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence and the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris. 史坎纳皮科也涉猎宇宙学,他在美国国家科学基金会赞助下任职于义大利佛罗伦斯的雅赛墔天体物理观测站及法国巴黎的天体物理学研究所。
Scanners capable of detecting liquid explosives will be installed in all of China's 147 airports before the 2008 Olympic Games, a top official said. 在2008年奥运会前,中国所有的147个机场会安装上能够探测出液体爆炸物扫描仪。
Scanners have been installed in key locations of the lab, so we can easily track the whereabouts of our boys. 扫描器已经安装在实验室的身份确认器上,因此我们可以很容易的取得我们的男孩们的踪迹。
Scanning an iris to identify a passenger is actually not that new. 利用扫描虹膜来识别乘客身份的做法事实上已经不是一件新鲜事了。
Scanning can be recursive and countable files extensions can de defined. 扫描是递归式的,可以定义被扫描的文件的扩展名。
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to further explore the surface ultrastructure of selected ECM scaffolds. 应用扫描电镜进一步探测每种ECM支架的表面超微结构。
Scanning for errors... 正在扫描错误……
Scanning its environment with a rapid series of touches, a star-nosed mole can find and eat five separate prey items, such as the pieces of earthworm we feed them in the laboratory, in a single second. 星鼻鼹藉由快速的连续碰触来扫描周围环境,在短短一秒钟之内,就可以找到并吃掉五个不同的猎物,例如我们在实验室里喂食的蚯蚓断片。
Scanning memory for Virus. Found Virus in memory,REBOOT system! 检查内存中的病毒在内存中发现病毒,重新引导系统!
Scanning spawn containers no longer returns a result. You will have to hack/break into these containers to find whats inside. 扫描空间中定点生成的货柜将不再返回数据。你必须使用黑客破解手段来查看所包含的物品。

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