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Which T-shirt do you want to wear?

Which I like is her writing style. 我喜欢的是她的写作风格.
Which Is More Important,Work or Money? 工作与金钱,哪一个更为重要?
Which Is More Important:Age or Spirit? 年龄和精神状态,哪更重要?
Which Peanuts program won an Emmy award nearly 30 years ago? 近三十年前获得艾美奖的《花生》剧目是那一部?
Which Sledge Is Better? 哪个雪橇更好?
Which T-shirt do you want to wear? 你想要穿哪一件T-恤?
Which TRF alumni can be called upon to speak to clubs? 那些前受奖人能受邀对扶轮社演讲?
Which TV station is the programme on? 这个节目在哪家电视台播放?
Which You commanded by Your servants the prophets, saying, The land which you are entering to possess is a land unclean with the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations, with which they have filled it from one end to another, and 11就是你藉你仆人众申言者所吩咐的,说,你们要去得为业之地是污秽之地,有各地之民的污秽,和他们叫这地从这边直到那边所充满的可憎之事,还有他们的不洁。
Which advantage does this matter occurrence have or the opportunity to me? 这件事情的发生对我有哪些好处或者机会?
Which advertisement is the woman talking about? 那个女人在讨论哪个广告?

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