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You will be much better off working in that office than in a factory.

You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 在适当的时候将把详情告诉你.
You will be informed when the book becomes available. 那本书一到就通知你。
You will be like an oak with fading leaves, like a garden without water. 30因为你们必如叶子枯干的橡树,好像无水浇灌的园子。
You will be likely to get there before 8 o'clock. 你很有可能在8点钟之前赶到那里。
You will be looking good but that may not cut it. 金牛座:本周牛牛看上去不错,并且这种状态会持续下去。
You will be much better off working in that office than in a factory. 跟在工厂上班比起来,你在那办公室上班会比较好些。
You will be notified of termination via email and the termination will be effective immediately. 你会通过邮件收到我们的通知,帐户也会立即被终止。
You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclode a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification. 当你的样品送达后,将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮,请准备一个作为确认送达的,有你地址的明信片。
You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system. 如果你还是拿邮局或电信部门这样的替罪羊开玩笑,那你会更安全些。
You will be one of God's immortal saints in His coming kingdom. 你将在他未来的国里成为神的一名不朽圣徒。
You will be overly emotional and in dire need of fulfillment this week but that doesn't mean you should be with just anyone. 双鱼座:本周有些过度情绪化并且继续满足,但是并不意味着任何人都可以。

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