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He was trying to make himself understood.

He was tried for forging others' signature. 他因假冒他人签名而受到审判.
He was tried for murder. 他因谋杀罪而受审。
He was tried for robbery. 他因抢劫罪受审。
He was troubled by religious doubt. 他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。
He was trying to be helpful, but he rather overdid it. 他想尽力帮忙, 但做得有些过分了.
He was trying to make himself understood. 他努力想让别人听懂他的话。
He was trying to redeem himself for his earlier failure. 他试图挽回他早些时候的失败。
He was trying to say something, his face blurred by my angry tears, but I couldn't hear him, for I was now backing and stumbling out of the store, my temples throbbing with the most awful humiliation I had ever felt. 他想说什么,他的脸在我的泪中变模糊了,但我还是没有听到他在说什么,因为磕磕绊绊地倒着走出商店,我的脑袋太阳穴因为所感到得最可怕的耻辱而突突跳动。
He was trying to smooth over his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault. 他不是承认错误,而是在企图掩饰自己对这次延误应承担的责任。
He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one. 他正在设法想出一条出路,但那是不可能的。
He was trying to wangle his way onto the committee. 他千方百计想钻入委员会中.

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