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At the same time higher commodity prices are giving increased economic power to countries that dislike American hegemony.

At the same time Thursday is English day. 同时周四时间为英语日。
At the same time a personal union, so to speak, is established between the banks and the biggest industrial and commercial enterprises, the merging of one with another through the acquisition of shares, through the appointment of bank directors to the Sup 与此同时,在银行和大型工商企业之间,一种可喻之为“私人”的关系已建立起来了,即通过相互持有股份;通过向对方监事会(或董事会)委派董事而形成相互之间的合并。
At the same time as major secondary institutions dispensed specialist, undergraduate, Gaozhigaozhuan, secondary, adult education, continuing education teachers and teaching materials. 同时为各大中专院校配发专科、本科、高职高专、中专、成人教育、中小学教师继续教育等教材。
At the same time development situation of foreign ultraviolet warning technology is introduced. 同时介绍了国外紫外告警技术的发展现状。
At the same time employ the successful introduction CI professionals to enterprises, and improve the unified enterprise MI, BI and VI system, gradually forming a rich free spacewith the corporate culture. 同时聘请业内专业人士为企业成功导入CI,完善和统一了企业的MI、BI和VI系统,逐步形成了富于“自由空间”特色的企业文化。
At the same time higher commodity prices are giving increased economic power to countries that dislike American hegemony. 同时,大宗商品的高价正在使那些不喜欢美国霸权的国家经济能力得以增长。
At the same time it emits very little smoke during burning, significantly reduces the extent of the harm for fires, and easy to wind, not affected by temperature difference and humidity, and it is the optimum winding and covering material for low smoke, n 同时燃烧时所释放的烟雾极少,大大降低火灾然害程度,并易于绕民,不受温差、湿度影响,是无卤低烟阻燃耐火线缆生产中最理想的绕包护层材料。
At the same time method, its prospect. proposes is provided. 同时,对普通话测试、普通话的进一步发展,提出了自己的见解。
At the same time morning radio intercepts uncovered a large US military convoy moving around the Razzaza Lake. 同时,上午的无线电截听发现有一支霉菌的大车队正延着拉扎扎湖移动。
At the same time my factory always insist with " With artificial book, the mood factory &quot of science and technology; Policy, positive transfer technical talent, develop talent advantage fully, to make the product that factory produces have higher 同时我厂一直坚持以以人为本,科技兴厂的方针,积极引进技术人才,充分发挥人才优势,从而使本厂生产的产品具有更高的技术含量,使产品质量一直相对平稳,但面对日益激烈的国际市场竞争和国外日趋苛刻的安全、卫生标准管制,厂领导决策层高度认识到建立科学完善的生产体系对确保产品质量的重要性和紧迫性,决定按照出口质量许可证、输美国陶瓷工厂认证和当今国际质量管理体系。
At the same time of appreciating the program, You can also taste various famous teas and delicious snacks with endless enjoyment. 在此期间,您还能品尝到各式名茶和精美茶食,其乐无穷。

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