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Officials say the system is the Indian version of the anti-missile Patriot system built by US-based Raytheon.

Officials say the quake is remarkable in that it was extremely shallow, just nine kilometers below the sea surface. 官员们说,这次地震的震感相当强烈,因为地震发生在地表层很浅的地方,仅在海平面以下9公里。
Officials say the second day of high-level talks bogged down today (Friday) over North Korea's demand for the drawing of a new border in the Yellow Sea. 官员说,这次在高层次谈判的第二天,北韩方面提出要在黄海海域重新划界,因而会谈无法取得进展。
Officials say the ship disappeared from radar screens shortly after sailing from the port of Dubah in western Saudi Arabia late Thursday. 有关官员表示,“萨拉姆98”号客运渡轮星期四晚间从沙特阿拉伯西部港口杜巴启航后不久就从雷达屏幕上消失。
Officials say the ship, Al Salam Boccaccio 98, disappeared from radar screens shortly after sailing from the port of Dubah in western Saudi Arabia late Thursday. 有关官员表示,“萨拉姆98”号客运渡轮星期四晚间从沙特阿拉伯西部港口杜巴启航后不久就从雷达屏幕上消失。
Officials say the soldiers were accidentally strafed by NATO warplanes. 官方称这些士兵被北约的战斗机误伤。
Officials say the system is the Indian version of the anti-missile Patriot system built by US-based Raytheon. 官员说,这一系统是美国雷神公司爱国者反导弹系统的印度翻版。
Officials say the victim, a Bangladeshi engineer, was taken for treatment to the main U.S. military base at Bagram, north of Kabul. 有关官员说,受伤的孟加拉籍工程师被送到喀布尔以北的巴格拉姆美军主要军事基地接受治疗。
Officials say they learned about the plane on the Internet in chat rooms. 官员说,他们在网上聊天室获悉飞机。
Officials say they will not drill a three-foot wide hole until the mine lower the rescue capsule. 有关人士称他们将不在钻一个尺寸在3英尺的洞,直至矿山低于营救舱。
Officials say they will not drill a three-foot-wide hole into the mine to low a rescue capsule. 官方声称:矿井内无法钻出一个宽度三英尺、可以放置营救仓的洞口。
Officials say they will not drill a three-foot-wide hole into the mine to lower a rescue capsule. 官员说他们不决定挖三尺宽的洞用来放低救生舱。

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